Coaching - Promotion and Restructure

I have worked with Wendy at two big turning points in my career over the last two years.

The first was when I was promoted into a leadership role. Wendy gave me invaluable support over that transition. We set key focus areas for our coaching upfront, and over the course of our sessions, I made measurable progress in each area. Wendy’s approach really resonated with me – she asked me questions so that I found the answers myself, while at the same time, challenging (nicely!) my assumptions and helping me to consider other viewpoints. This way I felt very engaged in the tools I would use to address the issue as the approach was tailored to work for me! My confidence in my new role increased so much over the course of the coaching, and I still use the tools that we developed today.

The second time we worked together was during a significant restructure at my employer. Once again, with her guidance, I got really clear on the outcomes that I wanted from the process, and prepared myself for the different options that could come out of each phase. I was lucky enough to secure an exciting new role during this time, and I felt really well prepared to start confidently into my new team.

I highly endorse Wendy for coaching through key career transitions. I have found our sessions invaluable, and have no hesitation in recommending her.

Marketing Manager


Coaching – Promotion

This year as I transitioned into a senior role, Wendy supported me with the transition by helping me consider the environment, relationships and plan my goals and expectations. The support Wendy has provided me has helped me settle into the role very quickly and be very effective.
I have learned many techniques to enhance the way in which I approach a situation and have certainly improved my leadership behaviour through the coaching sessions with Wendy.

Faculty Operations Manager


Coaching - Manager to Leader

As a result of Wendy’s coaching I have come a long way in developing my management and ‘early leadership’ capabilities.

The transition to my new role was much smoother– and I have more confidence and resilience – than I had first anticipated.

Throughout the journey, Wendy has been a supportive and constant coach. We have worked towards my coaching goals, but at the same time there has been flexibility to deal with unexpected events (such as cultural challenges in the workplace) and to tweak the goals – or add a new one – as I progress. Wendy has helped me to identify and articulate challenges and solutions; she has provided me with alternative insights, scenarios and points of view; and she has helped me to apply tools and frameworks to enhance my performance as manager. All the while, she has kept me accountable for my actions and shown a keen interest in my learning and development.

Manager, Education Quality & Support


Coaching - New Work Environment

My regular meetings with Wendy helped me to unpack the situations I was facing, especially around people management.

The transition into the new role proved not to be easy. Although I was keen on the mission and vision of the unit, I had underestimated the challenges involved from having to manage a team deeply entrenched in their ways of doing things. My regular meetings with Wendy helped me to unpack the situations I was facing, especially around people management. With her probing questioning, I was able to explore ways to approach those situations. I was also able to contextualise these as opportunities to continue to develop professionally and managerially. Six months later, the overall situation has greatly improved, and I have been able to successfully craft a commonly shared vision and mission for the team.

Research Manager


Coaching – Organisational Change

What sets Wendy apart is her wealth of experience and personal insights that she brought to our executive coaching sessions.

I was impressed that we had clearly defined goals and worked out the problems (not the issues), and gave me the right tools to deal with difficult situations and relationships. She is patient, a great listener and probes deep to help me unveil and ultimately work out what I need to do, during some rather trying times to help achieve what I need to do. Thank you Wendy for the invaluable coaching and tools to help me deal with any future challenging situations that may arise.

Strategic Marketing and Communications Executive


Coaching – Manager to Leader

I am a Social Worker in Health. I had the good fortune to receive some coaching from Wendy Minne over 7 months.

We began by setting some goals, these were goals that I cited as important to me. Wendy has a great capacity to listen and communicate in a way that made me feel heard, understood and empowered. There were aspects of coaching that literally gave me permission to be as good as I can be and use the coaching as support to facilitate change in my workplace. The experience has been valuable, transformative and exciting. It is amazing to look back, think back and acknowledge for myself the growth in my confidence and ability to be a leader and manager.

Manager, Social Services

Social Work/Health
