Undergoing change in your company or stepping up to a new leadership position?

Workplace change can be confronting for leaders and their teams.

As a manager you may be faced with significant challenges as a result of workplace change or transition into a new role.

Workplace coaching can turn change into an opportunity for improving personal and team operations.

Adapting to a different work environment

You have moved into a different work environment by changing industry or even moving to a new country.

You are feeling uncertain about the culture you are immersed in. Your ‘fight or flight instinct’ is being triggered. How can you deliver in your new role while you are being overwhelmed by the change?

Coaching can bring supported time to reflect and draw on your previous strengths and experiences. What have you done in previous situations where you are been out of your comfort zone? What in this new environment is actually similar to a previous experience, but you may not be recognising the similarity. What options to do have to adapt to your change that you may not have considered?

Exploring a solution focused approach with a coach will bring your focus back to what you want to achieve rather than focusing on the discomfort of change.

Unexpected change of position

Your company has undergone a major restructure.

The team that you were part of is being split up and allocated to different areas. You are feeling confused by the change, sad at your team being split up and very uncertain about the future.

Coaching can give you the time for quiet reflection to think about what you would prefer as an outcome of the sudden change. Having clarity on what options you would prefer, what your could accept as an interim and what is not negotiable. This puts you in a strong position to make your preferences clear and allows you to consider any proposal in a reasoned way.

Coaching will help you move past the shock of the change and look to the future rather than being stuck in what you had.

Lead change – Take the opportunity

You have just received the notification that there will be another restructure in your organisation.

Your team have faced a series of changes and it is really disrupting their ability to deliver. How will you turn this into an opportunity?

Change can be simplified into three steps:

  • Where are you now?
  • Where do you need to be?
  • How will you get there?

Coaching can help a leader bring clarity for their team on where they need to be in the new context and what the gap is. Understanding the gap ensures that the change can be planned, measured and adequately resourced. This will allow the team to focus and deliver without getting distracted.

New Manager to Leader

You have just received a promotion to your first management position.

Suddenly you have a team looking to you for support and guidance. You also have your manager with high expectations of you, after all he has just promoted you. It is a big step change from being an expert in your previous role. Rather than focusing on delivering yourself, you have to achieve through your team.

How will you step into this new opportunity and not only become the manager but also transition into an effective leader of your team? Will you be ready for your next promotion in 2 to 3 years?

Coaching can support you in making this transition from sole contributor to effective leader. It will provide an environment where you can reflect on your strengths and previous experience and set goals to effect and measure the change.


Wendy Minne

May I help you find your strengths and take the opportunity created by change and transition?

My area of specialisation is supporting leaders involved in organisational change and transition. Through coaching I help leaders identify strengths and explore opportunities to take advantage of their change. This then enables the leaders to access their potential and that of their teams to accelerate performance.

I transitioned to coaching after a career in large corporations where I had the benefit of professional coaching. Coaching was instrumental in my developed as a leader, empowering  me to execute significant change management projects. This influenced my decision to become a certified coach.

I have first-hand experience of organisational restructure and change management at an executive level locally and internationally. This allows me to leverage my experience to support leaders in exploring and expanding their horizons.

With a track record of outstanding contribution in business development and manufacturing operations in national and international markets, I have a well-developed understanding of a diverse range of commercial, industrial and engineering operations.

My activities include coaching for young leader development, as well as senior manager initiatives. I am passionate about coaching for success at all levels.

Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential.’

-International Coaching Federation (ICF)

How can coaching help you help you take advantage of workplace change and transition?

Workplace coaching helps identify strengths and allows you to explore opportunities to take advantage of change. This gives you access to hidden the potential in your teams and allows you to and accelerate performance. The behavioural change of motivated and empowered teams extends and enhances the capacity of the entire organisation.

There are three aspects of change:

What is your situation today?
Where do you want to be?
How you will get there?

As a leader, you need to understand your desired destination in order to remain sharply focused during the change. This allows you to evaluate your resources continuously and empowers your team to drive change effectively.

Organisational change can be confronting for leaders and their teams.

Executive coaching can turn change into an opportunity for improving personal and team performance.

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Let me coach you through your workplace change and transition! GET IN TOUCH NOW